A. The students shall be assessed on the basis of his/her performance as per guidelines of the CBSE.
B. The annual performance and general progress of the students of class IV-X is assessed on the basis of regular unit tests and terminal examinations as given below:
First term—FA-I, FA-II, Mid terminal examinations.
Second term—FA-III, FA-IV, Final Examinations.
The final results are based on the average of the marks obtained in these unit test and examinations. Parents should ensure that their children do not miss the unit tests and terminal examination. If any child does not appear in the unit test/examination, a separate test/examination shall not be conducted for him/her.
For promotion to the next class a child should obtain 40% marks in each term and in the aggregate.
The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is final. Promotion is granted on the basis of whole year’s work of the pupil. Hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work is imperative.
The annual performance and general progress of the students of class LKG to III is assessed on the basis of unit tests as given below:
There are five rounds of tests for classes L.K.G—III
The best four tests are considered for evaluation and promotion.